Friday, March 7, 2008

The Title

So I thought I'd start by explaining my title, "Love wins." I saw it several months ago. I was driving down the road following the same van for several minutes before I noticed it. It was the most unassuming, yet powerful bumper sticker I had ever seen. It was probably only 4 inches long. Very small for a bumper sticker. And that's all it said. Love wins. I just stared it and it was like everything suddenly became clear. It wasn't Love Won, or Love Will Win. But Love Wins. A constant. Those two words say everything. Love wins. Love wins. I love those words. No matter what, Love wins. Always.


Kelle said...

Jo Jo, I love that! And you....I love that your little outer coating is being unzipped with this blog...and we can side inside! (I meant that figuratively...keep your clothes on).
Love wins. And I see it as your sign-off on all your e-mails and it always makes me smile!