Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wanted: MoJo

So I haven't posted in over a month. I was just starting to feel the groove of this thing called blogging, when......poof! I don't know how or why, it was just gone. So I decided I just need to sit and do it anyway.

Last night was a fun night for our family. Well, really it was just a fun night for me. The girls had been dreading it for months. Piano recital night! Recitals are so much more fun as a mom than they were as a kid. Just one of the perks of being a grownup, I guess. ha! I don't know if it's possible to convert my video recorder to digital, but if it is I will post little snippets. Here is a picture of the girls with their amazing teacher, Mrs. Heydenburg.

Oh, and did I mention that since my last post, my middle girl became a teenager! I have two of them now! I don't know how it has happened so fast. She also passed Chloe and me in height. I'm still getting used to the idea that my kids are growing up. Some days it's really fun, and other days I wish I could put them in footie pajamas and cuddle again. But I'm thankful every day for the amazing young women they are becoming.


Lisa Y. said...

YAY!!!! You're back! It was a fun recital although I felt every ounce of their pain and nervousness! But that's the thrill of live performance...you only get one shot to make it good. I'm just proud that they allowed themselves the opportunity and were brave enough to go through with it. A lot of people don't have the guts...or mojo. Congrats on finding yours! Love ya all to pieces!

Kelle said...

Oh, how I've missed you! MORE POSTS! Your link was gettin' dusty! I love how beautiful each of them are...and Lainey is SO following in their footsteps. Piano playing leads to much joy!

Carin said...

welcome back...missed you.

your girls are beautiful with tender hearts.

just like my jo.

mrc-w said...

I loved hanging out with your girls at the wedding! Oh man, you are right about recitals being more fun when you're not in them!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Joann - thanks for the nice comment you left me - your blog is as sweet as they get! Your family is beautiful. And, Jane Goodall is a hero of mine - got to meet her when I worked for Disney. Keep up the blogging - it'll be a habit before you know it....and your fans need ya!