Thursday, June 12, 2008

Perfection DOES Exist

"They" say that it doesn't, but I have proof that it does. And it grows in my very own backyard.

"God has sewn His name on the Heavens in glittering stars; but on earth He planteth His name by tender flowers." -Jean Paul Ritcher


Diane said...

WOw - didn't I just say that you grow the best Peonies?????


Were those your Mom's plants? Or just her fav. flower? There's something about your Mom there, isn't there?

Carin said...


your flowers have me salivating!

and since you'll be checking for comments...


JoannCryderman said...

No, they weren't my mom's. And they weren't her favorites, either. They are my all-time favorite flower in the whole world.

Lisa Y. said...

Love you, love the quote, and your perfect peonies!

Kelle said...

STOP IT!!!! They grew in your back yard? You can't even get them that beautiful, that blossomed, that perfect shade of the palest pink in the store!!! GET OUT!!! They are gorgeous! Now, more posts please!! I just told Brett last night, "I miss Joann."

Kulio said...
