Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Love/Hate Relationship

Running. After a several month hiatus, I hit the road this week. I knew it would be tough after such a long break, but.......tough does not begin to describe it. Here's a picture of me beginning my first run:

And here is a picture of me the following day:

Today I thought I'd try again and decided to take my camera along to help motivate me. After years of walking and running through the city park, running in the country is a whole new experience. And I love it. Here are a few pictures:

I've always loved barns. This one doesn't have the faded, peeling paint I always picture in my mind when I think of barns, but I still love it. It was just built this winter by some Amish men.

And here are my favorite reasons for running in the country near my house:

The elk!! Aren't they beautiful?! We drive by them almost everyday, but to be right there on the road, so close to them was breath taking. Our neighbors tell us that we will hear them "bugle" later this summer. How cool!

So that was today's running experience. I'm anxious to really get back at it and get back to where I was in the fall. Supposedly I'm doing a 5k in May. We'll see.


Kulio said...

Great job on the running!!! You made me laugh with the elk :-)

Lisa Y. said...

Love the Tortoise and old lady!! Been there, felt that! Take a picture of the bison, too! Love

Carin said...

ok, I really laughed at those pictures.

kudos on your run. the scenery was breathtaking. maybe you should think of your run as more of a...scenic journey. yes, that is what you need to say from now on. "be right back...going on a scenic journey."

loving you.

JoannCryderman said...
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runner95 said...

Ha Haa Ha!!! I never thought running was hard! jk lol!! Oh you HAVE to do that 5k!!


Gini said...

Linked to you off another blog and this post just cracked me up. I am 43 and getting myself into shape - I feel like those pictures today - Yesterday, personal trainer/legs and abs - Today - spinning class.....I am dying. You are too funny.