Brent and I were able to get away the past few days. He had a conference up at Crystal Mountain Resort, and I tagged along. It was SO relaxing. Our anniversary was last week, so we decided to take advantage of this conference and call it an anniversary celebration, too. 19 years! I don't know where the time has gone. Marriage is a strange ride. For the most part it's a fun excursion with minor bumps along the way. Once in awhile there are major derailings, but with lots of hard work, perseverance, and more love than anyone knew exited, we somehow find our way back on track. I'm glad we've stuck to it, and stuck to each other. There isn't anyone else that I would rather share my ride.
Here are a few pictures of where we stayed. This first one is the club house.
This is our suite.
I fell in love with this tile table.
This was a really fun pool. It was loaded with kids, so we just layed in the chaise chairs and read for a couple hours. Bliss. Now it's back to reality. But I love my reality. Great kids, great house, and 19 years with my best friend. Love really does win.